Mini Vacation

Let me just start off by saying how amazed I've been at the support and interactions I've had with all those who enjoy reading my captions! It's why I really wanted to offer something big for Halloween, just to show how much your comments mean to me. But it also took a lot out of me, so I plan on taking a little break for the moment. Nothing will be posted this week or the next, but then I'll be back to posting like I usually do. Hopefully with some thanksgiving caps that'll blow your minds.😉


  1. Alex, please do take whatever time you need, to rest, to recharge, and spend time with friends and family. Your vacation is well-deserved. You are so creative, and the creative mind needs its fallow time! I know how important it is to let your mind turn to other things. May you and your loved ones be well, and maybe we'll see about Thanksgiving.

    With love and respect---
    your fan, Karen.

  2. your blog is amazing and you totally deserve to take a rest, take all the time you need!


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