
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Caption Zone (April Contest)

 Hey everyone, looks like I officially was one of the contest winners over at The Caption Zone! I'll put a link to my caption down below, and don't be afraid to show the other winners some love while you're there. The Caption Zone: Step-Puppet (Created By Alex Hopper)
So no new caps from me this weekend, since God just seems to have their sniper rifle trained on me. Lol More life stuff has piled up and I still have no new laptop. However that'll hopefully change sooner rather than later. Until then I still plan on trying to keep this blog active with anything besides new caps from me. Thanks for all the support.

Keeping Busy

 Hello everyone, just wanted to say that I loved all the April requests and plan on making every one of them soon. But with studying for finals, a birthday, lots of work, and a broken laptop, no new content will come out this weekend. Hopefully by next weekend I'll have more time to a new laptop.  Til then, thanks so much for the support and love! You're all the best.